
  • 2 Cups Milk
  • 4 TBS Unsalted Butter
  • 3.5 TBS All Purpose Flour
  • ¼ TSP Salt


1. Gradually heat milk in a small pan so that it is warm but not scalded.

2. Meanwhile, heat butter in a medium-size saucepan. When butter is foamy, whisk in flour until smooth. Stir and cook for 2 minutes over medium heat. Do not let flour brown.

3. Add several tablespoons of the hot milk, whisking constantly. When milk is thoroughly blended into butter and flour mixture, add several more tablespoons. Repeat until all the milk has been added and the sauce is smooth. If at any time the sauce seperates or lumps form, whisk vigorously until smooth.

4. Add salt and cook sauce over medium heat for several minutes or until it thickens slightly and has the texture of heavy cream. Do not let it bubble. Remove pan from heat and use sauce immediately, or pour it into a glass measuring cup and cover with plastic wrap, placing plastic directly on the surface to keep a skim from forming. Keep at room temperature for up to 2 hours or refrigerate overnight. Reheat if chilled and whisk before using.

I do not add the milk several tablespoons at a time. Instead I just pour about 1/2 Cup in at a time and whisk until it's incorporated. You will have some lumps at first, but once you've added most of the milk it will be a smooth sauce.

Also, I keep the sauce in the saucepan with the heat off until it's time to build the lasagna. If it sits for awhile I just whisk and maybe a bit of heat until it's smooth.

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